SSaman AAndishan PPishro


Along with life, along with insurance


Flexible system to support the entire life cycle of insurance


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السلام علیک یا أباعبدالله وعلی الارواح التی حلت بفنائک علیکم منی جمیعا سلام الله أبدا مابقیت وبقی اللیل والنهارولاجعله الله آخر العهد منی لزیارتکم السلام علی الحسین وعلی علی بن الحسین وعلی أولاد الحسین وعلی أصحاب الحسین
With this, the month of Muharram and the days of mourning for the martyrs of Hazrat Aba Abdullah Al-Hussein (AS) and his great scholar Hazrat Abolfazl Al-Abbas (AS) and his loyal companions, I offer my condolences to Hazrat Vali-e-Asr (AS) and his Shiites.

Admin 9/1/2020

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Employee Day

Dear Colleagues
Your sincere and honest effort is the mirror of conscientiousness and the echo of knowledge and commitment. The fruit of your efforts is the tree of hope that bears fruit and promises a vibrant and beautiful future. Greetings to your great efforts, while congratulating you on Employees' Day, I sincerely appreciate and thank you for your tireless efforts, and I ask God for your success and health.

Admin 9/1/2020

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Job Request


Central insurance
Saderat Bank
Jaber Bin Hayan Pharmacy
Pasargad Bank
Central insurance
Osveh Pharmacy
Ramofarmin Pharmacy
Ayandeh Bank
Razi Broadcasting Company
Shimi Pharmacy
Alborz Investment Collection
Shahed Investment Collection